Kevin Brown, Co-Founder & CSO of Quicklert

Kevin Brown

Co-Founder & CSO

Kevin Brown co-founded Quicklert, Inc. with longtime friend and business partner Alok Jain, and is a seasoned executive, with over thirty years in the telecommunications and emergency response markets leading innovation. From the early days of voice and data integration, to networking, to voice-over-IP, Kevin has been selling, designing, developing and leading change and innovations with organizations such as ROLM, IBM, VMX, Intecom, Xerox, Selsius Systems and Cisco Systems. He was CEO for IPcelerate, an emergency response company before handing the reins over to Alok Jain, where they relaunched and rebranded the company as the Quicklert of today.

At Quicklert, Kevin focuses on building strategy to bring new innovations to the market, to customers and partners – helping organizations re-imagine what safety means inside their organization and helping them re-examine their internal policies, processes and expectations.

Kevin is passionate about safety and security, about saving lives in schools, hospitals, government offices, anywhere and everywhere in this new normal in which we all live. With family members who are teachers, nurses, doctors, government workers, his passion is very personal when it comes to safety in the workplace.

Kevin is an established author who has written books on networking, VOIP, and more recently, self-help books to help people achieve their purpose in life.

Learn More About How Quicklert can Impact your Organization's Emergencies