Parent in the car looking at Quicklert Connect App

Parent Relations

Enhanced Communications, Parental Engagement, Student Safety

The Challenge

Whether it is a normal school day, an early closing day, a reminder for testing days or a real-life emergency, keeping parents informed is a critical task for public and private schools.

Benefits of Solving

Solving this challenge will benefit the school in the following ways:

checkEnhance parent awareness of school activities, school schedules and policies – from the school administration

checkEnhance parent awareness of specific classroom activities – from the teachers

checkIncrease parent involvement in various activities

checkEnhance accurate communications with parents during emergency situations

checkTremendous cost-consolidation by providing solutions for normal and emergency operations from the same solution

Quicklert Connect Desktop Application

Using the Quicklert Connect mobile app client that resides on their IOS or Android smart phone, teachers and school administrators can send messages and/or alerts regarding normal daily functions or emergency functions. These alerts and messages can be sent as mass alerts or as individual messages to groups of people.

checkA Mass Alert is pre-configured, with an optional PIN for various school functions or classroom functions

checkAdministrators and teachers select / depress the icon associated with this Mass Alert

checkParents can opt into specific alerts without IT, administration or teacher involvement using QR codes

checkAdministrators and teachers can enable or disable reply functions from parents

checkThe same solution / parental tool used to communicate normal functions such as early release, next-day testing, homework assignments, upcoming events and one-on-one conferences is used to communicate emergency situations such as fires, drills, active shooters, bomb threats, etc. By using the same application, administrators, teachers and parents already know how to use the emergency communication functions a threat is detected

checkA dangerous threat is detected by an intelligent QBOX on the wall or ceiling. Alerts are sent immediately to school personnel, who can follow up with a one-touch mass alert to immediately notify parents

Quicklert Solutions for the Education Industry

Quicklert school social distancing

Student and Staff Safety through Social Distancing in Schools

Mass Alerts and Mass Communications

One-Touch, Complex Alerting and Messaging - Simplified

Active Shooter Solutions

Rapid Detection, Rapid Response and De-Escalation

Quicklert Bell Schedules

Cost Consolidation, Operational Excellence, Emergency Response

911 Internal Alerting

Automated, Situation-based Alerts with No Human Intervention

Bus Safety

Student Safety, Enhanced Communications

Learn More About How Quicklert can Impact your Organization's Emergencies